@database amosguide.guide @author "Paul Hickman" @$VER: AmosGuide.Gudie 1.02 (20.10.94) @width 77 @index Index @node main "AMOS Amiga Guide File Viewer Accessory" @toc /main @next _Introduction @{u}@{b}Easylife Extension V1.10 - By Paul Hickman@{uu} @{u}AMOS AmigaGuide File reader / Help System V1.01@{uu} E-Mail: ph@doc.ic.ac.uk@{ub} @{u}Users Documentation@{uu} @{"Introduction " link _Introduction} @{"Running The Program " link _Running} @{"Basic Controls " link _Controls} @{"Menu Options " link _Menus} @{"Replacing AMOSPro Help " link _ReplacingHelp} @{"The Docs Tree " link _Tree} @{u}Guide Authors Documentation@{uu} @{"Extra AMOS Links " link _amos} @{"Directories As Nodes " link _Directories} @{"Writing Extension Manuals " link _extensions} @{"Summary Of @ Commands " link _commands} @endnode @node _Introduction "AmosGuide / Introduction" @{b}@{u}AmosGuide.AMOS Introduction@{ub}@{uu} AmosGuide.AMOS is a program for viewing any amigaguide database on an AMOS screen which is styled to fit with the AMOSPro editor & Textreader screens. It is also a replacement for the AMOSPro Help facility, as the AMOSPro help files have been converted to amiga guide format, and are included in the Easylife docs drawer. All features of amigaguide files documented in the file AmigaGuide.Doc (which is included in commodore's amigaguide distribution) are supported except: - Dynamic Nodes. (Rarely Used) - Close, Quit, System, RX & RXS links. (Close The Window / Run Rexx & DOS Programs) - Alink links are treated as normal links - I.E. The node is displayed in the same window - not a new one. Normally alink displays the node in a new window. The following additional features not documented by commodore are also supported: - Bold, Italic & Underlined Text. (Also supported by Multiview) - @{"Amos" link _Amos} links. (Specific to this program) - Viewing @{"Directory Listings" link _Directories} As Amigaguide pages. (Specific to this program) See @{"Command Summary" link _commands} for full details of supported features. @endnode @node _Running "AmosGuide / Running The Program" @{b}@{u}Running The Program@{ub}@{uu} The AmosGuide.AMOS program may be started in several ways: - Load it into the editor & Run it like any normal AMOS program. - Prun it from another AMOS program. - Run it as an accessory. - Run it from a user menu option. - @{"Replace the AMOS Help system with it." link _ReplaceHelp} If you Prun the program, or run it from the user/help menus, it is possible to set up the AMOS variable Command Line$ before running. If you run it as a normal program or an accessory, the command line is always empty. The following command lines can be used: HELP Display the main menu of the new Easylife / AMOSPro on-line help guide. HELP Display the given node of the AMOSPro on-line help guide. This is for compatability with the old AMOSPro help program, and keeps all the editor's help menu options working. KEYWORD When run as an accessory, or when it has replaced the AMOSPro help system, the command / function name beneath the cursor in the current editor window is read, and a help page for it is searched for in the AMOSPRo help file, @{b} and in all extension help files@{ub}. If it is not found the best approximation is shown, or the contents page of AMOSPro help. BANK The amigaguide database to read is taken from a memory bank of the previous program instead of a file. The "main" node is displayed. This lets you write programs that provide help using Amos guide. BANK The amigaguide database to read is taken from a memory bank of the previous program. The named node is displayed. BANK The amigaguide database to read is taken from a memory bank of the previous program. The named node is displayed. is prepended to any links in the bank database which are to an external .guide file, but do not specify a full path. These links would normally be paths relative to the directory of the guide file being displayed. E.g. \@{"A Link" link ADir/Fred.Guide/ANodeName} Will be linked to ADir/Fred.Guide/ANodeName \@{"A Link" link HELP:Fred.Guide/ANodeName} Will not be affected as a full path is specified. NOTE: should end in a trailing "/" or ":" The amigaguide database to read is taken from the named file. The "main" node is displayed. The amigaguide database to read is taken from the named file. The named node is displayed. The named directory is displayed as a node. NOTE: Any argument may be quoted with double quotes E.g. If it contains spaces. If no Command Line$ argument is given, a fileselector appears to choose a amigaguide database file / directory to read. @endnode @node _Controls "AmosGuide / Basic Controls" @{b}@{u}Basic Controls@{ub}@{uu} The controls are exactly the same as multiview / amigaguide: - @{b}Arrows@{ub} & @{b}scrollbars@{ub} move arround the current page if it is all visible. - The @{b}Contents@{ub} button displays the contents page associated with the current page. For directory listings this will be the parent directory. - The @{b}Index@{ub} button displays the index page assoiciated with the current database (.Guide file) - The @{b}Browse@{ub} buttons move to the previous / next page of the database. - The @{b}Help@{ub} displays the current nodes help page. - The @{b}[X]@{ub} button in the top left hand corner quits the program. @endnode @node _Menus "AmosGuide / Menu Options" @{b}@{u}Menu Options@{ub}@{uu} @{b}Open...@{ub} This opens a file selector from which you can choose a new database to display, or a directory to display are an amigaguide page. To may return to the previous database using the @{"Retrace" link _controls} button. @{b}Command...@{ub} A String requester appears into which you may type the name of an AMOSPro / Extension command to try to find a help page for. To return to the previous database, use the @{"Retrace" link _controls} button. @{b}Turbocharge@{ub} When this program first reads a database from a file, there is a delay while the name & position in the file of each node is found. With large files, this may become quite significant (E.g. On my A1200 the 330K AMOSPro help guide takes over a minute). Once a database is loaded, turbochagring it will create a seperate file containing this information (Which has the same name as the guide with '.tbo' appended). Whenever a new database is opened, if a '.tbo' file exists, the node information is loaded from this file which is much faster. (AMOSPro help is then only 2 seconds). I strongly recommend using the turbocharger on AMOSPro_Help, and extension help guides. @{b}IMPORTANT@{ub} If you change the amigaguide file, you must delete the .tbo file, as the positions of the nodes may have changed. @{b}Print@{ub} Sends the current node to the default printer. @{b}About AmosGuide@{ub} Displays the Amos Guide information page. @{b}About Database@{ub} Displats some statistics about the currenlty loaded amigaguide file. @{b}Quit@{ub} I'll give you three guesses. @endnode @node _ReplaceHelp "AmosGuide / Replacing The Help System" @{b}@{u}Why Should I Replace The Help?@{ub}@{uu} @{b}Advantages:@{ub} - The amigaguide help file can be easily edited to include extra information / bug reports, and is easier to write. - The rest of the universe uses amiga guide format - why should AMOS be different? - Help for extensions / accessories is automatically added by copying the appropriate guide into the help directory. - Both vertical & Horizontal scrolling of the page is possible. - You can delete the help files from your AMOSPro_Accessories disk, which means there is enough room to copy the easylife accessories there. - When you press the help key over a command to get help on it, extension commands will also be recognised (NOTE: This currently applies to the easylife & intuition extensions. Other extension writters should read the @{"Extension Manuals" link _extensions} section). - It is easier to navigate through a database with Amos Guide than Amos Pro Help. @{b}Disadvantages:@{ub} - The viewer program is larger and a bit slower. @{b}@{u}How Do I Replace The Help@{ub}@{uu} It is actually suprisingly easy. Select the 'Set Program To Menu' option of the AMOSPro editor, then select the top item of the Help menu. Press 'Replace' in the confirmation requester. When the file selector appears, choose the AmosGuide.AMOS program, and set the options as follows: Command Line$ = "KEYWORD" [F1] Run as hidden Program [F2] Load into current Window [F3] Keep After Running (How much memory do you have?) Now save the default editor configuration. This will change the entire Help menu to using the AmosGuide viewer. @{b}@{u}Using The New Help System@{ub}@{uu} The entire AMOSPro help menu still functions exactly as it did before except the first item "Help" which is also bound to the help key now: - Searches for the keyword beneath the cursor in both the AmosPro help files, and all extension manuals. @endnode @node _Tree "AmosGuide / The Docs Tree" @{b}@{u}The Docs Tree@{ub}@{uu} The Easylife documentation is contained in a drawer Docs, which should be added to the HELP: Assignment. I recommend that you copy any other AMOS related amigaguide files into this tree, if you have a harddisk. In particular, put an AMOSPro extension instrucion manuals into the extensions directory. This will allow them to be searched for help on particular commands when you press help from the editor. Feel free to add extra directories - Amos Guide generates the hypertext pages from the directory listing. @endnode @node _Amos "AmosGuide / AMOS Links" @{b}@{u}AMOS Links@{ub}@{uu} This Amigaguide viewer recognises an extra type of link - to load an AMOS program into the editor. This feature is used extensively by the AMOSPro On-Line help to load the example programs. The format of such a link is: \@{