Easylife Extension V1.10a - By Paul Hickman =========================================== E-Mail: ph@doc.ic.ac.uk ----------------------- Changes V1.10 ---> V1.10a ========================= Easylife Extension ------------------ - HUGE BUG FIX: Previous release was assembled with no error messages! - Version number of last release was left at 1.09, and not incremented to 1.10 AmosGuide.AMOS -------------- - BUGFIX: Now correctly accepts a filename & nodename in command line$ - Improved documentation - Now opens file selector if AMOSPro_Help.Guide is not found when run from Help menu - BUGFIX: When you click on a link to the same page you are already on the page is not redisplayed, and is not added onto the retrace queue again. VarChecker.AMOS --------------- - Removed defunct attempt to show varchecker.doc & replaced it with on-line context sensitive help using AmosGuide. - Improved documentation