@database Tabifier.Guide @author "Paul Hickman" @node main @toc Easylife.guide/main @next Intro @prev main @{b}@{u}AMOS / MUI Tabifier V1.0@{uu}@{ub} @{b}@{u}By Paul Hickman E-Mail: ph@doc.ic.ac.uk@{uu}@{ub} @{" Introduction " link Introduction} @{" Requirements " link Requirements} @{" Gadget Controls " link Gadgets} @{" Menu Controls " link Menus} @{" Other Controls " link OtherControls} @{" Main Easylife Documentation " link Easylife.guide/main} @endnode @node Introduction "Tabifier / Introduction" @{b}@{u}AMOS / MUI Tabifier V1.0@{uu}@{ub} The Tabifier is a simple example of creating an MUI interface for an AMOS program. Its use is to take an AscII text file, and replace any strings of spaces with tabs, to shorten the file, without changing the appearance of the text. In addition, it may also convert existing tabs to a new tab size, and will remove any trailing spaces / tabs from the end of each line. @endnode @node Requirements "Tabifier / Requirements" @{b}@{u}Requirements@{uu}@{ub} To run the tabifier, you will need version 1.07+ of Easylife installed, together with MUI V2.1+ The tabifier will also require twice the size of the file to be tabified + 8192 bytes of memory when performing the tabify operation. @endnode @node Gadgets "Tabifier / Gadget Controls" @{b}@{u}Gadget Controls@{uu}@{ub} The tabifier window contains to 2 string gadgets. The top one is the name of the file to be tabified. The bottom is the filename to saved the tabified version to. The buttons to the right of the strings will pop up ASL file requesters to fill the string gadgets. Below this are 2 cycle gadgets to select tab size of the old file, and the tab size of the newly tabified file. Then there are 4 buttons: @{b}Out = In@{ub} Pressing this button makes the outfile name the same as the infile name. @{b}Start@{ub} Pressing this button begins tabifying the file. The gauge at the bottom of the window will show how much of the file has been tabified so far. @{b}Abort@{ub} Press this during tabification to stop tabifying the file. @{b}Quit@{ub} Three guesses. @endnode @node Menus "Tabifier / Menus" @{b}@{u}Application Menu@{ub}@{uu} @{b}About@{ub} Displays the information about the program, including free memory. @{b}Hide@{ub} Iconifies the program. The method of iconification is set with the MUI preferences program, but is normally to an appicon. @{b}Save Config@{ub} Saves a configuration file to ENVARC: which records: - The Position & Size of the window - The pathnames of the In file & Out File. - The old & new tab sizes. - The options menu settings. This configuration will then be automatically reloaded whenever you run tabifier. @{b}Quit@{ub} Causes a custard pie to come flying out of your monitor, land on the keyboard, and short-circuit the machine. DO NOT USE @{b}@{u}Options Menu@{ub}@{uu} @{b}Detabify Only@{ub} When checkmarked, the existing tabs are all converted to spaces using the old tab size setting, but no new tabs are then inserted into the file. This invariably makes the file longer, but it is then tab-free. @{b}AmigaGuide Mode@{ub} Checkmark this option when tabifying amigaguide documents. It will then not permit tabs on any line after an @ character, as this would change the layout of an amigaguide file. @endnode