name : Jd Date$ parameters: function : read systemdate result : date-string "DD.MM.YY" syntax : A$=Jd Date$ example : name : Jd Setdate parameters: date-string "DD.MM.YY" function : set systemdate result : syntax : Jd Setdate "TT.MM.JJ" example : name : Jd Setclock parameters: time-String "HH:MM:SS" function : set systemtime result : syntax : Jd Setclock "HH:MM:SS" example : name : Jd Time$ parameters: function : read systemtime result : time-string "HH:MM:SS" syntax : A$=Jd Time$ example : name : Jd Actual Date$ parameters: datum-strings 1 and 2 function : get most actual datum result : actual date syntax : A$=Jd Actual Date$(date1$,date2$) example : name : Jd Actual Time$ parameters: time-strings 1 and 2 function : get actual time result : actual time syntax : A$=Jd Actual Time$(time1$,time2$) example : name : Jd Secstime$ parameters: seconds function : seconds to time-string result : time-string syntax : T$=Jd Secstime$(secs) example : name : Jd Timesecs parameters: time-string function : time-string to seconds result : seconds syntax : S=Jd Timesecs(time$) example : name : Jd Area First parameters: function : get first element out of an area result : first element syntax : X=Jd Area First example : name : Jd Area Last parameters: function : get last element out of an area result : last element syntax : X=Jd Area Last example : name : Jd Get Area parameters: area-string function : get first and last element out of an area-string result : syntax : Jd Get Area "string" example : Jd Get Area "10-20" -> Jd Area First=10, Jd Area Last=20 Jd Get Area "10-" -> Jd Area First=10, Jd Area Last=0 Jd Get Area "-20" -> Jd Area First=0 , Jd Area Last=20 Jd Get Area "10" -> Jd Area First=10, Jd Area Last=10 name : Jd Limit parameters: number, lowest number and highest number function : is number in between area result : 0=no / 1=yes syntax : X=Jd Limit(Z,Z1,Z2) example : X=Jd Limit(-3,-8,10) -> X=1 name : Jd Reset Area parameters: function : deletes first and last element out of an area result : syntax : Jd Reset Area example : Jd Reset Area name : Jd Get Number parameters: numberodds and number of digits function : input-routine for numbers result : number syntax : X=Jd Get Number example : name : Jd Get string$ parameters: stringodds and max. len function : input-routine with editing-functions Cursor left = 1 position left Cursor right = 1 position right Backspace = delete letter left of Cursor Del = delete letter under Cursor Amiga F = Cursor on first position Amiga L = Cursor on last position Amiga R = get stringodds Amiga S = save momentarily input-string Amiga U = get last saved input-string Amiga X = delete momentarily input-string result : string syntax : X=Jd Get string$("odds",LEN) example : name : Jd Keypress parameters: function : get actual pressed key (incl. special keys) result : actual keycode syntax : T=Jd Keypress example : name : Jd Keywait parameters: allowed keys function : wait for one of the allowed keys result : ASCII-value of key syntax : X=Jd Keywait example : X=Jd Keywait("12345") -> X=49 oder 50 oder ... 53 name : Jd Mwait parameters: function : wait for mousebutton result : 1=left button / 2=right button syntax : X=Jd Mwait example : name : Jd Wait Amiga parameters: function : wait for combination of Amiga/key result : ASCII-value of key syntax : X=Jd Wait Amiga example : name : Jd Wait Event parameters: function : wait for mousebutton or keypress result : syntax : Jd Wait Event example : name : Jd Moff Click parameters: function : get mousebutton (even after Jd Multi Off) result : 1/2/3 = left/right/both buttons syntax : MT=Jd Moff Click example : name : Jd Moff Key parameters: function : get keypress (even after Jd Multi Off) result : keycode syntax : T=Jd Moff Key example : name : Jd Double Click parameters: function : get double click (even after Jd Multi Off) result : 1/2 = left/right button syntax : DC=Jd Double Click example : name : Jd Checksum parameters: sector-string function : calc checksum of a sector (not for bootblocks) result : checksum syntax : Jd Checksum(A$) example : A$=Jd Read Sector(0,880) : B=Jd Checksum(A$) name : Jd Bootchecksum parameters: bootsector-string function : al checksum for a bootblock result : bootchecksum syntax : Jd Bootchecksum(A$) example : A$=Jd Read Sector(0,0)+Jd Read Sector(0,1) B=Jd Bootchecksum(A$) name : Jd Diskchange parameters: function : wait for a diskchange result : syntax : Jd Diskchange example : name : Jd Odd parameters: number function : check if number is even or odd result : 0/1 = even/odd syntax : Jd Odd(X) example : A=Jd Odd(2) -> A=1 name : Jd Checkprt parameters: function : check if printer is available result : 0/1/2/3 = ok/off/offline/no paper syntax : Jd Checkprt example : name : Jd Crypt$ parameters: string function : crypt a string (for german sorting) result : coded string syntax : A$=Jd Crypt$(B$) example : name : Jd Encrypt$ parameters: coded string function : encrypting a string result : string syntax : A$=Jd Encrypt(B$) example : name : Jd Cut$ parameters: string, position and number of letters function : deletes number of letters from position out of a string result : new string syntax : A$=Jd Cut$(B$) example : A$=Jd Cut$("Test",2,2) -> A$="Tt" name : Jd Insert$ parameters: string, position and insert function : inserts a string from position into another string result : new string syntax : A$=Jd Insert$(B$) example : A$=Jd Insert$("Tt",2,"es") -> A$="Test" name : Jd Skip$ parameters: string function : deletes leading and ending blanks from a string result : new string syntax : A$=Jd Skip$(B$) example : A$=Jd Skip$(" Test ") -> A$="Test" name : Jd Extend$ parameters: string, len and kind function : extend a string result : extended string syntax : A$=Jd Extend$(B$,L,A) example : A$=Jd Extend$("Test",8,0) -> A$=" Test ") A$=Jd Extend$("Test",8,1) -> A$=" Test") A$=Jd Extend$("Test",8,-1) -> A$="Test ") name : Jd Exval$ parameters: number and len [,"0" or " "] function : extend number with "0" or " " result : extended string syntax : A$=Jd Exval$(B,L[,"0"]) example : A$=Jd Exval$(12,4,"0") -> A$="0012") name : Jd Firstup$ parameters: string function : make first letter of all words capitals result : changed string syntax : A$=Jd Firstup$(B$) example : A$=Jd Firstup$("ein test") -> A$="Ein Test" name : Jd Change$ parameters: string function : change capital and small letters result : changed string syntax : A$=Jd Change$(B$) example : A$=Jd Change$("Test") -> A$="tEST" name : Jd Paste$ parameters: string, instring and pastestring function : paste part of a string result : changed string syntax : A$=Jd Paste$(B$,C$,D$) example : A$=Jd Paste$("Test","es","a") -> A$="Tat" name : Jd Rol$ parameters: string function : rotate a string one letter to the left result : new string syntax : A$=Jd Rol$(B$) example : A$=Jd Rol$("Word") -> A$="ordW" name : Jd Ror$ parameters: string function : rotate a string one letter to the right result : new string syntax : A$=Jd Ror$(B$) example : A$=Jd Ror$("Word") -> A$="dWor" name : Jd Compare parameters: string and pattern * = Joker for some letters ? = Joker for one letter function : check if pattern fits the string result : 0=no / 1=yes syntax : X=Jd Compare(A$,B$) example : X=Jd Compare("Test-string","*t-S*) -> X=1 name : Jd Count parameters: string and instring function : count how many times instring is in string result : quantity syntax : X=Jd Count(A$,B$) example : X=Jd Count("Test-string","t") -> X=2 name : Jd Dump$ parameters: string function : convert a memory-strings into a writeable result : string syntax : A$=Jd Dump$(B$) example : name : Jd Linstr parameters: string and instring function : get last instring result : last occurance syntax : L=Jd Linstr(S$,I$) example : L=Jd Linstr("tester","te") -> L=4 name : Jd Detab parameters: string and tabvalue function : exchange tabs with blanks result : new string syntax : N$=Jd Detab(O$,TW) example : name : Jd Percent parameters: Percent (- 100) and Number (- 65535/$FFFF) >INTEGER! function : get percentual result result : percentual result syntax : X#=Jd Percent(P,W) example : X#=Jd Percent(9,91) -> X#=8,19 name : Jd Deoct parameters: Octalstring function : change octalstring to decimal number result : decimal number syntax : X=Jd Deoct(O$) example : X=Jd Deoct(&-20) -> X=16 name : Jd Oct$ parameters: number [and len] function : convert number to an octalstring result : octal-string syntax : A$=Jd Oct$(X[,len]) example : A$=Jd Oct$(-16,4) -> A$="&-0020" name : Jd E# parameters: function : result : E# (=2.7182817) syntax : example : name : Jd Pi# parameters: function : result : Pi# (=3.1415927) in AMOS 3.1415922 syntax : example : name : Jd Asl parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Asl(A,Z) example : name : Jd Asr parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Asr(A,Z) example : name : Jd Lsl parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Lsl(A,Z) example : name : Jd Lsr parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Lsr(A,Z) example : name : Jd Rol parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Rol(A,Z) example : name : Jd Ror parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Ror(A,Z) example : name : Jd Roxl parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Roxl(A,Z) example : name : Jd Roxr parameters: quantity and number function : like in assembler result : changed number syntax : A=Jd Roxr(A,Z) example : name : Jd Eqv parameters: number1 and number2 function : equivalent of two numbers result : equivalent syntax : A=Jd Eqv(Z1,Z2) example : name : Jd Imp parameters: number1 and number2 function : implikation of two numbers result : implikation syntax : A=Jd Imp(Z1,Z2) example : name : Jd Read Sector parameters: device and sector function : read disk-sector result : sector-string syntax : A$=Jd Read Sector(D,S) example : A$=Jd Read Sector(0,880) -> A$=RootBlock name : Jd Write Sector parameters: write sector-string (len=512!), device and sector function : writes a sector to disk result : 0/-1 = ok/error syntax : A=Jd Write Sector(A$,D,S) example : A=Jd Write Sector(A$,0,880) name : Jd Install parameters: drive function : installs a disk result : 0=ok / 1=error syntax : F=Jd Install(D) example : name : Jd Format parameters: drive and name function : formats a disk result : 0=ok / 1=error syntax : F=Jd Format(D,N$) example : name : Jd Shortformat parameters: drive and name function : formats a disk short result : 0=ok / 1=error syntax : F=Jd Shortformat(D,N$) example : name : Jd Copy parameters: file and new location function : copies a File result : 0=ok / 1=error syntax : F=Jd Copy(QF$,ZF$) example : name : Jd Hardware$ parameters: function : write all hardware-devices into a string result : harware-device-string syntax : A$=Jd Hardware$ example : A$=Jd Hardware$ -> A$="DF1:DF0:PRT:PAR:SER:RAW:CON:RAM:" name : Jd Volume$ parameters: function : write all volume-names into a string result : volume-string syntax : A$=Jd Volume$ example : A$=Jd Volume$ -> A$="RAM DISK:ALF:BootRam:" name : Jd Logical$ parameters: function : write all logical-devices into a string result : logical-devices-string syntax : A$=Jd Logical$ example : A$=Jd Logical$ -> A$="ENV:T:S:L:C:FONTS:DEVS:LIBS:SYS:" name : Jd File Size parameters: filename function : get len of a file result : filelen syntax : L=Jd File Size(F$) example : L=Jd File Size("AMOSPro") -> L=113516 name : Jd File Type parameters: file function : get type of a file result : positive=directory/negative=file/0=error syntax : T=Jd File Type(F$) example : name : Jd File Protection parameters: file function : get protection-bits of a file result : %HSPARWED (HSPA=high active/RWED=low active) syntax : P=Jd File Protection(F$) example : name : Jd File Comment$ parameters: file function : get comment of a file result : comment-string syntax : C$=Jd File Comment$(F$) example : name : Jd Set Protection parameters: file and protection-bits function : set protection-bits for a file result : 0=error syntax : F=Jd Set Protection(F$,%HSPARWED) example : name : Jd Set Comment parameters: file and comment function : set comment for a file result : 0=error syntax : F=Jd Set Comment(F$,K$) example : name : Jd Count Dirs parameters: Path function : count quantity of directories result : quantity syntax : A=Jd Count Dirs("Pfad") example : name : Jd Count Files parameters: Path function : count quantity of files result : quantity syntax : A=Jd Count Files("Pfad") example : name : Jd Textfont parameters: fontname and Fontsize function : set font for writing with >>Text<< or >>Jd Print<< result : syntax : Jd Textfont "siesta.font",8 example : name : Jd Char X parameters: function : width of the graphic-font result : width syntax : B=Jd Char X example : name : Jd Char Y parameters: function : height of the graphic-font result : height syntax : H=Jd Char Y example : name : Jd Screen Planes parameters: function : number of bitplanes of the screen result : number of bitplanes syntax : X=Jd Screen Planes example : name : Jd Rastport parameters: function : get address of the rastport result : address syntax : A=Jd Rastport example : name : Jd Video On parameters: function : switches the monitor display on result : syntax : Jd Video On example : name : Jd Video Off parameters: function : switches the monitor display off result : syntax : Jd Video Off example : name : Jd Distance parameters: X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 function : calc distance between two points result : distance syntax : D=Jd Distance(X1,Y1 to X2,Y2) example : name : Jd Arcus parameters: X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 function : calc angle between two points result : angle syntax : W=Jd Arcus(X1,Y1 to X2,Y2) example : name : Jd X Pos parameters: X, Y, distance and angle function : calc new X-position out of distance and angle result : X-position syntax : X2=Jd X Pos(X,Y,R,W) example : name : Jd Y Pos parameters: X, Y, distance and angle function : calc new Y-position out of distance and angle result : Y-position syntax : Y2=Jd X Pos(X,Y,R,W) example : name : Jd Spread parameters: string, direction and delay function : centeres a string result : syntax : Jd Spread "string",direction,delay example : Jd Spread "string",-1,D ri trin string Jd Spread "string",1,D Sg Stng string name : Jd Squash parameters: string, direction and delay function : centeres a string result : syntax : Jd Squash "string",direction,delay example : Jd Squash "string",-1,D string trin ri Jd Squash "string",1,D string Stng Sg name : Jd Tscroll parameters: string, direction and delay function : scrolls a string positive direction >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< negative direction ends by a keypress or a mousebutton result : syntax : Jd Tscroll "string",direction,delay example : name : Jd Hexdump parameters: Byte=1/Word=2/Long=4, startaddress, quantity and width function : writes a hexdump result : syntax : Jd Hexdump BWL,S,A,B example : name : Jd Type parameters: string, delay and sound function : writes a string like a typewriter result : syntax : Jd Type "string",D,0/1 example : name : Jd Print parameters: string function : writes a string with a loaded font result : syntax : Jd Print "string" example : name : Jd Draw Segment parameters: X-, Y-coordinate, X-, Y-radius, starting and ending angle function : draws a circle or an elippse segment result : syntax : Jd Draw Segment X,Y,XR,YR,SW,EW example : name : Jd Spline parameters: X-, Y-start, X-, Y-end, X-, Y-controll and steprate function : draws a curve result : syntax : Jd Spline XS,YS,XE,YE,XK,YK,SR example : name : Jd Draw Angle parameters: X, Y, len, angle function : draw a line result : syntax : Jd Draw Angle X,Y,L,W example : name : Jd Slide X parameters: sourcescreen and destinationscreen function : copies a Screen result : syntax : Jd Slide X QS to ZS example : name : Jd Slide Y parameters: sourcescreen and destinationscreen function : copies a screen result : syntax : Jd Slide Y QS to ZS example : name : Jd Slide Up parameters: sourcescreen and destinationscreen function : copies a screen result : syntax : Jd Slide Up QS to ZS example : name : Jd Slide Down parameters: sourcescreen and destinationscreen function : copies a screen result : syntax : Jd Slide Down QS to ZS example : name : Jd Slide Left parameters: sourcescreen and destinationscreen function : copies a screen result : syntax : Jd Slide Left QS to ZS example : name : Jd Slide Right parameters: sourcescreen and destinationscreen function : copies a screen result : syntax : Jd Slide Right QS to ZS example : name : Jd Reset parameters: function : system-reset result : syntax : Jd Reset example : name : Jd Largest Chip Free parameters: function : get largest free chipmem result : largest free chipmem syntax : LCF=Jd Largest Chip Free example : name : Jd Largest Fast Free parameters: function : get largest free fastmem result : largest free fastmem syntax : LFF=Jd Largest Fast Free example : name : Jd Ppfind Mem parameters: endaddress of a loaded PowerPacker-data-file function : calc the needed memory for decrunch result : needed amount of memory syntax : BSG=Jd PPfind Mem(E) example : name : Jd Ppdecrunch parameters: starting-, ending- and destination-address function : decrunch a PowerPacker-data-file result : syntax : Jd Ppdecrunch S,E,Z example : name : Jd Flush parameters: function : delete all unneeded libs, devs, fonts, etc. result : syntax : Jd Flush example : name : Jd Get Tab parameters: function : get tab len result : tablen syntax : TL=Jd Get Tab example : name : Jd Multi On parameters: function : switches multitasking on result : syntax : Jd Multi On example : name : Jd Multi Off parameters: function : switches multitasking off result : syntax : Jd Multi Off example : name : Jd Dled On parameters: function : switches drive-LED on result : syntax : Jd Dled On example : name : Jd Dled Off parameters: function : switches drive-LED off result : syntax : Jd Dled Off example : name : Jd Reduce Dim parameters: array and new dimension function : REDUCES a dimension (max. 20) result : syntax : Jd Reduce Dim ARRAY(VAR(0)),ND example : name : Jd Reset Dim parameters: array function : re-set a dimension result : syntax : Jd Reset Dim ARRAY(VAR(0)) example : name : Jd Array Swap parameters: array, var no.1 and var no.2 function : swaps variables in an array result : syntax : Jd Array Swap ARRAY(VAR(0)),VN1,VN2 example : name : Jd Array Clear parameters: array function : delete all variables in an arrray result : syntax : Jd Array Clear ARRAY(VAR(0)) example : name : Jd Array$ Clear parameters: array function : delete all variables in a string array result : syntax : A=ARRAY(VAR$(A)) : Jd Array Clear A example : name : Jd Grey Colour parameters: colour value function : converts colour in grey result : greytone syntax : GS=Jd Grey Colour(RGB) example : name : Jd Antique Colour parameters: colour value function : converts colour in brown result : browntone syntax : BS=Jd Antique Colour(RGB) example : name : Jd Pseudo Palette parameters: function : makes a pseudo palette result : syntax : Jd Pseudo Palette example : name : Jd Spread Palette parameters: startinf and ending colourno. function : spread a colour into another result : syntax : Jd Spread Palette SF To EF example : name : Jd Complement Colour parameters: colour value function : calc complementcolour result : complementcolour syntax : KF=Jd Complement Colour(RGB) example : name : Jd False Colour parameters: colour value function : calc false colour result : false colour syntax : FF=Jd False Colour(RGB) example : name : Jd Negative Colour parameters: colour value function : calc negative colour result : negative colour syntax : NF=Jd Negative Colour(RGB) example : name : Jd Mix Colours parameters: colour value1 and colour value2 function : mix two colours result : mixed colour syntax : MF=Jd Mix Colours(F1,F2) example : name : Jd Red Value parameters: colour value function : calc the red-part result : red-part syntax : R=Jd Red Value(RGB) example : name : Jd Green Value parameters: colour value function : calc the green-part result : green-part syntax : G=Jd Green Value(RGB) example : name : Jd Blue Value parameters: colour value function : calc the blue-part result : blue-part syntax : B=Jd Blue Value(RGB) example : name : Jd Rgb Value parameters: red-, green- and blue-part function : clac colour out of RGB-parts result : colour syntax : F=Jd Rgb Value(R,G,B) example : name : Jd Separate Black parameters: colour value function : separate blackform result : blackform-colour syntax : SF=Jd Separate Black(RGB) example : name : Jd Separate Blue parameters: colour value function : separate blueform result : blueform-colour syntax : BF=Jd Separate Blue(RGB) example : name : Jd Separate Green parameters: colour value function : separate greenform result : greenform-colour syntax : GF=Jd Separate Green(RGB) example : name : Jd Separate Red parameters: colour value function : separate redform result : redform-colour syntax : RF=Jd Separate Red(RGB) example : name : Jd Separate Yellow parameters: colour value function : separate yellowform result : yellowform-colour syntax : GF=Jd Separate Yellow(RGB) example : name : Jd Separate Magenta parameters: colour value function : separate magentaform result : magentaform-colour syntax : MF=Jd Separate magenta(RGB) example : name : Jd Separate Cyan parameters: colour value function : separate cyanform result : cyanform-colour syntax : CF=Jd Separate cyan(RGB) example : name : Jd Tone Colour parameters: colourno. and [-]factor function : brighten or darken a colour result : syntax : Jd Tone Colour NR,F example : name : Jd Swap Colours parameters: colourno.1 and colourno.2 function : exchange two colours result : syntax : Jd Swap Colours FNR1,FNR2 example : name : Jd Copy Colour parameters: colourno.1 and colourno.2 function : copies a colour result : syntax : Jd Copy Colour NR1 to NR2 example : name : Jd Grid parameters: X1, Y1, width, height, X- and Y-step function : draw a grid result : syntax : Jd Grid X1,Y1,B,H,XS,YS example : name : Jd Screen Convert parameters: sourcescreen,sourcemode,destinationscreen and destinationmode function : convert a Screen Lowres to Hires $0 to $8000 Lowres to Lowres+Laced $0 to $4 Hires to Lowres $8000 to $0 Hires to Hires+Laced $8000 to $8004 Lowres+Laced to Hires+Laced $4 to $8004 Lowres+Laced to Lowres $4 to $0 Hires+Laced to Lowres+Laced $8004 to $4 Hires+Laced to Hires $8004 to $8000 result : syntax : Jd Screen Convert S,SM to D,DM example : name : Jd Load Palette parameters: filename function : load a palette (32 colours) result : syntax : Jd Load Palette FILE$ example : name : Jd Save Palette parameters: filename function : save a palette (32 colours) result : syntax : Jd Save Palette FILE$ example : name : Jd Guru parameters: Text1 and Text2 function : PseudoGuru result : mouse button syntax : MT=Jd Guru(T1$,T2$) example : name : Jd Xoffset parameters: function : get X-offset of the screen result : X-offset syntax : X=Jd Xoffset example : name : Jd Yoffset parameters: function : get Y-offset of the screen result : Y-offset syntax : Y=Jd Yoffset example : name : Jd Find parameters: array, searchstring [and starting position within the array] function : searches for a string in an array [from position] jokers are allowed result : position syntax : A=ARRAY(VAR$(0)) : P=Jd Find(ARRAY,S$[,POS] example : name : Jd Change Colours parameters: Col1, Col2, X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 function : exchange two colours (palette will not be changed!) result : syntax : Jd Change Colours COL1,COL2,X1,Y1 To X2,Y2 example : name : Jd Fill Colour parameters: NewCol, OldCol, X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 function : change a colour (palette will not be changed!) result : syntax : Jd Fill Colour NCOL To OCOL,X1,Y1 To X2,Y2 example : name : Jd Private parameters: function : ILLEGAL-instruction for a debugger result : syntax : Jd Private example : name : Jd Exdatazone parameters: extension-No. function : address of the datazone of an extension result : address of the datazone syntax : DZA=Jd Exdatazone(NR) example : name : Jd Leap Year parameters: year function : is year a leap year? result : -1/0 = yes/no syntax : SJ=Jd Leap Year(year) example : name : Jd Day Of Year parameters: day, month, year function : what's the day of the year? result : day syntax : T=Jd Day Of Year(T,M,J) example : name : Jd Day parameters: day, month, year function : what's the day of the week? result : 1-7 = sunday-saturday syntax : WT=Jd Day(T,M,J) example : name : Jd Day$ parameters: day (1-7) function : name of the day result : day syntax : day$=Jd Day$(WEEKDAY) example : Jd Prt Reset -> reset printer Jd Prt Init -> init printer Jd Prt Italics -> italics Jd Prt Italics Off -> italics off Jd Prt Under -> underline Jd Prt Under Off -> underline off Jd Prt Bold -> bold Jd Prt Bold Off -> bold off Jd Prt Elite -> 96 CPI Jd Prt Elite Off -> 80 CPI Jd Prt Fine -> 136 CPI Jd Prt Fine Off -> 80 CPI Jd Prt Enlarged -> wide Jd Prt Enlarged Off -> wide off Jd Prt Shadow -> shadow Jd Prt Shadow Off -> shadow off Jd Prt Double -> doublestrike Jd Prt Double Off -> doublestrike off Jd Prt Nlq -> NLQ Jd Prt Nlq Off -> Pica Jd Prt Super -> Superscript Jd Prt Super Off -> Superscript off Jd Prt Sub -> Subscript Jd Prt Sub Off -> Subscript off Jd Prt Set Us -> US letters Jd Prt Set French -> French letters Jd Prt Set German -> German letters Jd Prt Set Uk -> UK letters Jd Prt Set Danishi -> Danish I letters Jd Prt Set Sweden -> Swedish letters Jd Prt Set Italian -> Italian letters Jd Prt Set Spanish -> Spanish letters Jd Prt Set Japanese -> Japanese letters Jd Prt Set Norge -> Norwegian letters Jd Prt Set Danishii -> Danish II letters Jd Prt Prop -> proportional Jd Prt Prop Off -> proportional off Jd Prt Ljustify -> left justification Jd Prt Rjustiy -> right justification Jd Prt Fjustify -> full justification Jd Prt Center -> center justification Jd Prt Lspace Eight -> 1/8 linespace Jd Prt Lspace Six -> 1/6 linespace Jd Prt Justify Off -> no justification Jd Prt Pline Up +Wert -> set partial line up Jd Prt Pline Down +Wert -> set partial line down Jd Prt Set Lmargin +Wert -> set left border Jd Prt Set Rmargin +Wert -> set right border Jd Prt Set Tmargin +Wert -> set top border Jd Prt Set Bmargin +Wert -> set bottom border Jd Prt Clr Margins -> delete borders Jd Prt Set Htab +Wert -> set horizontal-tab Jd Prt Set Vtab +Wert -> set vertikal-tab Jd Prt Clr Htab -> delete horizontal-tab Jd Prt Clr Htabs -> delete all horizontal-tabs Jd Prt Clr Vtab -> delete vertikal-tab Jd Prt Clr Vtabs -> delete all vertikal-tabs Jd Prt Set Def Tabs -> default tabs name : Jd Dayval parameters: datestring function : get value of day result : value of day syntax : T=Jd Dayval("TT.MM.JJJJ") example : name : Jd Monthval parameters: datestring function : get value of month result : value of month syntax : M=Jd Monthval("TT.MM.JJJJ") example : name : Jd Yearval parameters: datestring function : get value of year result : value of year syntax : J=Jd Yearval("TT.MM.JJJJ") example : name : Jd Mouse parameters: function : number of Show/Hide result : <0 = hidden / >=0 = shown syntax : SHW=Jd Mouse example : Hide : Hide : SHW=Jd Mouse => SHW=-2 name : Jd Setoutput Amiga parameters: function : changes output-format to AMIGA-standard result : syntax : Jd Setoutput Amiga example : name : Jd Setoutput Amos parameters: function : changes output-format to AMOS-standard result : syntax : Jd Setoutput Amos example : name : Jd Lightest Colour parameters: function : get number of the brightest colour result : colourno. syntax : LC=Jd Lightest Colour example : name : Jd Darkest Colour parameters: function : get number of the darkest colour result : colourno. syntax : DC=Jd Darkest Colour example : name : Jd Rprint parameters: string function : write a string right justified result : syntax : Jd Rprint S$ example : name : Jd Fit parameters: number and divisor function : check if number/divisor is an integer result : 0/1 = float/integer syntax : E=Jd Fit(Z,D) example : name : Jd Prt Shade parameters: Shade 0/1/2/3 function : set printer to b/w, grey1, colour oder grey2 result : syntax : Jd Prt Shade S example : name : Jd Prt Aspect parameters: Aspect 0/1 function : set printer to horizontal/vertikal result : syntax : Jd Prt Aspect A example : name : Jd Prt Image parameters: Image 0/1 function : set printer to positiv/negativ result : syntax : Jd Prt Image I example : name : Jd Prt Threshold parameters: Threshold 1-15 function : set grey tones result : syntax : Jd Prt Threshold T example : name : Jd Prt Density parameters: Density 1-7 function : set printer density result : syntax : Jd Prt Density D example : name : Jd Screen Border parameters: colour, X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 function : clear screen outside an area result : syntax : Jd Screen Border C,X1,Y1 To X2,Y2 example : name : Jd Wait Raster parameters: line (0-256) function : wait for rasterline result : syntax : Jd Wait Raster Z example :