The AMOS extensions adds over 70 commands to the AMOS command set to allow direct access to the OpalVision framebuffer. The additional commands provide a direct interface to the Opal library, for information on the specific commands see the OpalVision programmers manual. The commands have the same names as the Library functions described in the programmers manual with the prefix 'ov' added (unless the function name already starts with 'ov). For example the function OpenScreen24 becomes OvOpenScreen24 in AMOS. See the end of this file for a complete list of commands. To install the extension, copy the file 'opal.lib' to your AMOS_System directory then use the AMOS configuration program to set extension number 21 to Opal.lib. NOTES: - AMOS screens cannot be opened above line 30. - This version is for AMOS 1.3 only, the extension will need to be reassembled for AMOS pro. AMOS COMMANDS Direct Opal.Library commands: ovopenscreen24 ovclosescreen24 ovwritepixel24 ovreadpixel24 ovclearscreen24 ovilbmtoov ovupdatedelay24 ovrefresh24 ovsetdisplaybottom24 ovcleardisplaybottom24 ovsetsprite24 ovamigapriority ovpriority ovdualdisplay24 ovsingledisplay24 ovappendcopper24 ovrectfill24 ovupdatecopro24 ovsetcontrolbit24 ovpalettemap24 ovupdatepalette24 ovscroll24 ovloadimage24 ovsetscreen24 ovsaveiff24 ovcreatescreen24 ovfreescreen24 ovupdateregs24 ovsetloadaddress24 ovrgbtoov ovactivescreen24 ovfadein24 ovfadeout24 ovclearquick24 ovwritethumbnail24 ovsetrgb24 ovdrawline24 ovstopupdate24 ovwritepfpixel24 ovwriteprpixel24 ovtorgb ovtoilbm ovupdateall24 ovupdatepfstencil24 ovenableprstencil24 ovdisableprstencil24 ovclearprstencil24 ovsetprstencil24 ovdisplayframe24 ovwriteframe24 ovbitplanetoov ovsetcopro24 ovregwait24 ovdualplayfield24 ovsingleplayfield24 ovclearpfstencil24 ovsetpfstencil24 ovreadprpixel24 ovreadpfpixel24 ovtobitplane ovfreezeframe24 ovlowmemupdate24 ovdisplaythumbnail24 ovconfig24 ovautosync24 ovdrawellipse24 ovlatchdisplay24 ovsethires24 ovsetlores24 ovdownloadframe24 ovsavejpeg24 ovlowmem24update24 ovloadiff24 AMOS Specific Commands: ovsetpen24 - Set The current Pen color. OvSetPen24 (OScrn,R,G,B) Return values from OVReadPixel24: ovgetred24 - Get Red component. OVGetRed24 (OScrn) ovgetgreen24 - Get Green component. OVGetGreen24 (OScrn) ovgetblue24 - Get Blue component. OVGetBlue24 (OScrn)