@DATABASE "OS_DevKit Extension" @INDEX "os_index.guide/main" @AUTHOR "Fromentin BRICE & Jens Vang Petersen" @node MAIN "OS_DevKit, References" @toc "os_Documentation.guide/main" ___________ ___________ / /\ / /\ OS-DevKit Extension / ___ / // _______/ / Additional power for AMOS Pro V2.00+ / /\_/ / // /\_____ \/ / / // / // /\ Written by: / / // / //______ / / Fromentin BRICE / /_// / /_\_____/ / / / / // / / /__________/ //__________/ / \__________\/ \__________\/ @{b}@{u}References and tables for OS-DevKit usage@{uu}@{ub} +-------------------------------TAG-Listings-------------------------------+ @{" Window-TAGS " link "winTAGS"} @{" Screen-TAGS " link "scrTAGS"} +-------------------------------FLAG-Listings------------------------------+ @{" IDCMP Flags " link "IDCMP"} @{" Window Attrs " link "winFLAGS"} @{" Screen Viewmodes " link "scrVMODE"} +--------------------------------Structures--------------------------------+ @{" Screen " link "screen_str"} @{" New Screen " link "nscreen_str"} @{" Screen Pens " link "screenpen_str"} @{" DrawInfo " link "drawinfo_str"} @{" Window " link "_wnd_struct"} @{" New Window " link "_nwnd_struct"} @endnode @node "IDCMP" @{u}General IDCMP flags@{uu} IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY = $1 IDCMP_NEWSIZE = $2 IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW = $4 IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS = $8 IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE = $10 IDCMP_GADGETDOWN = $20 IDCMP_GADGETUP = $40 IDCMP_REQSET = $80 IDCMP_MENUPICK = $100 IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW = $200 IDCMP_RAWKEY = $400 IDCMP_REQVERIFY = $800 IDCMP_REQCLEAR = $1000 IDCMP_MENUVERIFY = $2000 IDCMP_NEWPREFS = $4000 IDCMP_DISKINSERTED = $8000 IDCMP_DISKREMOVED = $10000 IDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE = $20000 IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW = $40000 IDCMP_INACTIVEWINDOW = $80000 IDCMP_DELTAMOVE = $100000 IDCMP_VANILLAKEY = $200000 IDCMP_INTUITICKS = $400000 IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE = $800000 IDCMP_MENUHELP = $1000000 IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW = $2000000 IDCMP_GADGETHELP = $4000000 IDCMP_LONELYMESSAGE = $80000000 @{u}IDCMP flags generated by gadtools gadgets@{uu} ARROWIDCMP = $400068 BUTTONIDCMP = $40 CHECKBOXIDCMP = $40 INTEGERIDCMP = $40 LISTVIEWIDCMP = $400078 MXIDCMP = $20 NUMBERIDCMP = CYCLEIDCMP = $40 PALETTEIDCMP = $40 SCROLLERIDCMP = $70 SLIDERIDCMP = $70 STRINGIDCMP = $40 TEXTIDCMP = @endnode @node "winTAGS" @{u}TAGS for 'Open Window'@{uu} TAGNAME: IDCODE: TYPE: WHAT IT DOES: WA_Left $80000064 (X) Position on screen.. WA_Top $80000065 (Y) Position on screen.. WA_Width $80000066 (W) Width of the window. WA_Height $80000067 (H) Height of the window. WA_DetailPen $80000068 (PEN) Detail Pen for the window. WA_BlockPen $80000069 (PEN) Block Pen for the window. WA_IDCMP $8000006A (FLAGS) @{"IDCMP-flags" Link "IDCMP"}. WA_Flags $8000006B (FLAGS) @{"Flags" Link "winFLAGS"}.. WA_Gadgets $8000006C (POINTER) First gadget pointer. WA_Checkmark $8000006D (IMG) Pointer of an image whose will be used in order to represent the CheckMark in the menus of the window. WA_Title $8000006E (STR) Pointer to title of the window. WA_ScreenTitle $8000006F (STR) Pointer to screen-title.. WA_CustomScreen $80000070 (SCR) Pointer to screen to open on.. WA_SuperBitMap $80000071 (BM) BitMap to use the window.. (If 0 the window will reserve own). WA_MinWidth $80000072 (W) Minimal width for the window. WA_MinHeight $80000073 (H) Minimal height for the window. WA_MaxWidth $80000074 (W) Maximal width for the window. WA_MaxHeight $80000075 (H) Maximal height for the window. WA_InnerWidth $80000076 (W) For the width. WA_InnerHeight $80000077 (H) For the height. WA_PubScreenNam $80000078 (STR) Specify the name of the public screen on which you want to open the window. WA_PubScreen $80000079 (SCR) Specify the pointer of a public screen on which you want to open the window. WA_MouseQueue $8000007E (MAX) Specify the maximal number of "IDCMP_MO- USEMOVE that the window could accumulate in the same time. WA_SizeGadget $80000081 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_DragBar $80000082 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_DepthGadget $80000083 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_CloseGadget $80000084 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_Backdrop $80000085 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_ReportMouse $80000086 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_NoCareRefres $80000087 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_Borderless $80000088 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_Activate $80000089 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_RMBTrap $8000008A (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_SimpleRefres $8000008C (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_SmartRefresh $8000008D (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_SizeBRight $8000008E (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_SizeBBottom $8000008F (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_AutoAdjust $80000090 (BOOL) If you permit to the system of changing the position of the window in truth its size so that it could go in on the screen. WA_GimmeZeroZer $80000091 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_NewLookMenus $80000093 (BOOL) Replaces the @{"FLAGS" link "winFLAGS"} WA_AmigaKey $80000094 (IMG) Pointer of an image whose will be used in order to represent the Amiga key in the menus of the window. WA_BusyPointer $80000098 (BOOL) If TRUE, then the pointer of the mouse will be the one of expectation. Default to FALSE. (V39) WA_PointerDelay $80000099 (BOOL) Allows to defer the change of Pointer, it permits of don't see the change when the 'BusyPointer' can very few time. WA_HelpGroup $8000009B (ID) Normally, only the active window could receive a IDCMP_GADGETHELP message. Of this manner you can, in transmitting the ID to your windows, make that these last receives this message. (V39) WA_HelpGroupWin $8000009C (WND) Has the place of using the previous TAG, you can directly transmit the window pointer on which you wishes to belong to its 'Helpgroup'. (V39) @endnode @node "winFlags" @{u}Detail of Flags.@{uu} NB: To specify more than one flag, simply add the values together.. WFLG_SIZEGADGET $000001 Gives the gadget of change of size. WFLG_DRAGBAR $000002 Specifie that the window is movable. WFLG_DEPTHGADGET $000004 Gives the gadget of depth. WFLG_CLOSEGADGET $000008 Gives the gadget of closing. WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT $000010 Specify that the left hedging of the window will be of the width of the size gadget. WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM $000020 Specify that the low hedging of the window will be of the height of the size gadget. WFLG_BACKDROP $000100 If you want that this window is in melts. (See WFLG_BORDERLESS.) WFLG_REPORTMOUSE $000200 If you want to know the mouse movements when your window is active. WFLG_BORDERLESS $000800 If you want a window without edge. Interesting with WLFG_BORDERLESS for you will be able to thus open a window which covers the totality of the screen. WFLG_ACTIVATE $001000 Activate window when opening it.. WFLG_RMBTRAP $010000 If you want that the right mouse button won't call a menus. Interesting when you want to intercept the events of RMB.. WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH $020000 Indicates this that you don't wish to be responsible for some calls of the functions _rfsh Begin & _rfsh End. WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS $200000 If you want to adopt the new menus appearance of V39 then you must also put, the GTMN_NewLookMenus to TRUE if you use GadTools. Defining the type of refresh of the window with these flags: WFLG_SMART_REFRESH $000000 (If you want this you can ignore it..) WFLG_SIMPLE_REFRESH $000040 WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP $000080 Importaint NOTE: - If you ask the WFLG_SIZEGADGET gadget, you must specify WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT and/or WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM flags, if not the default is WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT. @endnode @NODE "scrTAGS" @{BG Text}@{FG Fill}Descriptions des TAGs @{BG Background}@{FG Text} @{FG Shine}SA_Left@{FG Text } Abscissa of screen. ($80000021),(X) @{FG Shine}SA_Top@{FG Text } Ordinate of screen. ($80000022),(Y) @{FG Shine}SA_Width@{FG Text } Width of screen. ($80000023),(W) @{FG Shine}SA_Height@{FG Text } Height of screen. ($80000024),(H) @{FG Shine}SA_Depth@{FG Text } Depth of screen. ( 8 ==>> 2^8 = 256 c ). Default to 1. ($80000025),(D) @{FG Shine}SA_DetailPen@{FG Text } Detail pen. Default to 0. ($80000026),(PEN) @{FG Shine}SA_BlockPen@{FG Text } Block Pen. Default to 1. ($80000027),(PEN) @{FG Shine}SA_Title@{FG Text } Screen Title. None by default. ($80000028),(STR) @{FG Shine}SA_Colors@{FG Text } Pointer of ColorSpec struture ended by an index = -1 ($80000029),(PTR) See @{FG Shine}SA_Colors32@{FG Text } Usage with V39. @{FG Shine}SA_ErrorCode@{FG Text } Pointer to variable where intuition will store error. ($8000002A),(PTR) l'erreur @{FG Shine}SA_Font@{FG Text } Pointer of TextAttr structure for the screen font. ($8000002B),(TATTR) @{FG Shine}SA_SysFont@{FG Text } Chosen a font in preferences : ($8000002C),(NB) 0 - Old DefaultFont, fixed-width -1 - WB Screen preferred font @{FG Shine}SA_Type@{FG Text } Choice @{FG Shine}PUBLIC@{FG Text } ($2) or @{FG Shine}CUSTOM@{FG Text } ($F), other types see ($8000002D),(VAL) Boolean TAGs. @{FG Shine}SA_BitMaps@{FG Text } Pointer of BitMap structure, that implies the type ($8000002E),(BM) for the screen : @{FG Shine}CUSTOM@{FG Text }. @{FG Shine}SA_PubName@{FG Text } Indicates that the screen will be public if a name is precise. ($8000002F),(STR) You must put @{FG Shine}SA_PubSig@{FG Text } & @{FG Shine}SA_PubTask@{FG Text } BEFORE. @{FG Shine}SA_PubSig@{FG Text } Indicates the signal has to send when the last window ($80000030),(SIG) of the screen will be closed. @{FG Shine}SA_PubTask@{FG Text } Indicates the owner task of the signal. ($80000031),(TASK) @{FG Shine}SA_DisplayID@{FG Text } Spécify the @{"screen mode" Link "scrVMODE"}. ($80000032),(ID) @{FG Shine}SA_Overscan@{FG Text } Specify the overscan you wish : ($80000034),(VAL) @{FG Shine}OSCAN_TEXT@{FG Text } -->> 1 @{FG Shine}OSCAN_STANDARD@{FG Text } -->> 2 @{FG Shine}OSCAN_MAX@{FG Text } -->> 3 @{FG Shine}OSCAN_VIDEO@{FG Text } -->> 4 @{FG Shine}SA_ShowTitle@{FG Text } Show Title ? Default to VRAI. ($80000036),(BOOL) @{FG Shine}SA_Behind@{FG Text } Screen to back when opens ? Default to FAUX. ($80000037),(BOOL) @{FG Shine}SA_Quiet@{FG Text } Does Intuition must don't it load certain rendered ($80000038),(BOOL) on the screen ? Default to FALSE. @{FG Shine}SA_AutoScroll@{FG Text } Does the screen can it scroll automatically? ($80000039),(BOOL) @{FG Shine}SA_Pens@{FG Text } Pointer of a @{"Pen Array" Link "screenpen_str"} of type of this that it one ($8000003A)(PTR) finds in the @{"DrawInfo structure" Link "drawinfo_str"}, that you initialize in order to define the look of your screen. @{FG Shine}SA_Parent@{FG Text } If you wish to attach this screen to an already parent ($8000003D),(SCR) opened, use this TAG. (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_FrontChild@{FG Text } If you wish to attach this screen to an already son opened. ($80000045),(SCR) The son will come to the before of the family defined by the parent. (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_BackChild@{FG Text } If you wish to attach this screen to an already son opened. ($80000046),(SCR) The son will come behind the family defined by the parent. (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_Draggable@{FG Text } If FALSE, the screen is not 'moveable.' Use this TAG ($8000003E),(BOOL) the minus possible on some independent screens, however if a son is specifies, it will move only when that the parent will move. Default to TRUE. (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_Exclusive@{FG Text } If TRUE, the screen will be alone in the the display. ($8000003F),(BOOL) (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_SharePens@{FG Text } For the creation of the pens uses by Intuition, ($80000040),(BOOL) the pens are allocated in @{FG Shine}PENF_EXCLUSIVE@{FG Text }. To FALSE, these last could be sharing. Default to FALSE. (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_Colors32@{FG Text } Define the palette used by the screen, this pointer ($80000043),(PTR) will be directly passed to @{FG Shine}_rgb32 Load@{FG Text }. See this function for the initialization of the table. (V39). @{FG Shine}SA_Interleaved@{FG Text } To TRUE, the Screen BitMap will be to intertwine if it ($80000042),(BOOL) avers possible. Default to FAUX. (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_VideoControl@{FG Text } Pointer on a TAGList directly past @{FG Shine}_cop Control@{FG Text }. ($80000044),(TAG) (V39) @{FG Shine}SA_LikeWorkbench@{FG Text } Define if you want the features of WorkBench Screen. ($80000047),(BOOL) The other TAGs that you will specify oversteps. (V39) @ENDNODE @NODE "scrVMODE" @{FG Shine}Screen View-modes.@{FG Text } MONITOR_ID_MASK = $FFFF1000 DEFAULT_MONITOR_ID = $0 NTSC_MONITOR_ID = $11000 PAL_MONITOR_ID = $21000 LORES_KEY = $0 HIRES_KEY = $8000 SUPER_KEY = $8020 HAM_KEY = $800 LORESLACE_KEY = $4 HIRESLACE_KEY = $8004 SUPERLACE_KEY = $8024 HAMLACE_KEY = $804 LORESDPF_KEY = $400 HIRESDPF_KEY = $8400 SUPERDPF_KEY = $8420 LORESLACEDPF_KEY = $404 HIRESLACEDPF_KEY = $8404 SUPERLACEDPF_KEY = $8424 LORESDPF2_KEY = $440 HIRESDPF2_KEY = $8440 SUPERDPF2_KEY = $8460 LORESLACEDPF2_KEY = $444 HIRESLACEDPF2_KEY = $8444 SUPERLACEDPF2_KEY = $8464 EXTRAHALFBRITE_KEY = $80 EXTRAHALFBRITELACE_KEY = $84 HIRESHAM_KEY = $8800 SUPERHAM_KEY = $8820 HIRESEHB_KEY = $8080 SUPEREHB_KEY = $80A0 HIRESHAMLACE_KEY = $8804 SUPERHAMLACE_KEY = $8824 HIRESEHBLACE_KEY = $8084 SUPEREHBLACE_KEY = $80A4 LORESSDBL_KEY = $8 LORESHAMSDBL_KEY = $808 LORESEHBSDBL_KEY = $88 HIRESHAMSDBL_KEY = $8808 VGA_MONITOR_ID = $31000 VGAEXTRALORES_KEY = $31004 VGALORES_KEY = $39004 VGAPRODUCT_KEY = $39024 VGAHAM_KEY = $31804 VGAEXTRALORESLACE_KEY = $31005 VGALORESLACE_KEY = $39005 VGAPRODUCTLACE_KEY = $39025 VGAHAMLACE_KEY = $31805 VGAEXTRALORESDPF_KEY = $31404 VGALORESDPF_KEY = $39404 VGAPRODUCTDPF_KEY = $39424 VGAEXTRALORESLACEDPF_KEY = $31405 VGALORESLACEDPF_KEY = $39405 VGAPRODUCTLACEDPF_KEY = $39425 VGAEXTRALORESDPF2_KEY = $31444 VGALORESDPF2_KEY = $39444 VGAPRODUCTDPF2_KEY = $39464 VGAEXTRALORESLACEDPF2_KEY = $31445 VGALORESLACEDPF2_KEY = $39445 VGAPRODUCTLACEDPF2_KEY = $39465 VGAEXTRAHALFBRITE_KEY = $31084 VGAEXTRAHALFBRITELACE_KEY = $31085 VGAPRODUCTHAM_KEY = $39824 VGALORESHAM_KEY = $39804 VGAEXTRALORESHAM_KEY = $31804 VGAPRODUCTHAMLACE_KEY = $39825 VGALORESHAMLACE_KEY = $39805 VGAEXTRALORESHAMLACE_KEY = $31805 VGAEXTRALORESEHB_KEY = $31084 VGAEXTRALORESEHBLACE_KEY = $31085 VGALORESEHB_KEY = $39084 VGALORESEHBLACE_KEY = $39085 VGAEHB_KEY = $390A4 VGAEHBLACE_KEY = $390A5 A2024_MONITOR_ID = $41000 A2024TENHERTZ_KEY = $41000 A2024FIFTEENHERTZ_KEY = $49000 PROTO_MONITOR_ID = $51000 EURO72_MONITOR_ID = $61000 EURO72EXTRALORES_KEY = $61004 EURO72LORES_KEY = $69004 EURO72PRODUCT_KEY = $69024 EURO72HAM_KEY = $61804 EURO72EXTRALORESLACE_KEY = $61005 EURO72LORESLACE_KEY = $69005 EURO72PRODUCTLACE_KEY = $69025 EURO72HAMLACE_KEY = $61805 EURO72EXTRALORESDPF_KEY = $61404 EURO72LORESDPF_KEY = $69404 EURO72PRODUCTDPF_KEY = $69424 EURO72EXTRALORESLACEDPF_KEY = $61405 EURO72LORESLACEDPF_KEY = $69405 EURO72PRODUCTLACEDPF_KEY = $69425 EURO72EXTRALORESDPF2_KEY = $61444 EURO72LORESDPF2_KEY = $69444 EURO72PRODUCTDPF2_KEY = $69464 EURO72EXTRALORESLACEDPF2_KEY = $61445 EURO72LORESLACEDPF2_KEY = $69445 EURO72PRODUCTLACEDPF2_KEY = $69465 EURO72EXTRAHALFBRITE_KEY = $61084 EURO72EXTRAHALFBRITELACE_KEY = $61085 EURO72PRODUCTHAM_KEY = $69824 EURO72PRODUCTHAMLACE_KEY = $69825 EURO72LORESHAM_KEY = $69804 EURO72LORESHAMLACE_KEY = $69805 EURO72EXTRALORESHAM_KEY = $61804 EURO72EXTRALORESHAMLACE_KEY = $61805 EURO72EXTRALORESEHB_KEY = $61084 EURO72EXTRALORESEHBLACE_KEY = $61085 EURO72LORESEHB_KEY = $69084 EURO72LORESEHBLACE_KEY = $69085 EURO72EHB_KEY = $690A4 EURO72EHBLACE_KEY = $690A5 EURO72EXTRALORESDBL_KEY = $61000 EURO72LORESDBL_KEY = $69000 EURO72PRODUCTDBL_KEY = $69020 EURO72EXTRALORESHAMDBL_KEY = $61800 EURO72LORESHAMDBL_KEY = $69800 EURO72PRODUCTHAMDBL_KEY = $69820 EURO72EXTRALORESEHBDBL_KEY = $61080 EURO72LORESEHBDBL_KEY = $69080 EURO72PRODUCTEHBDBL_KEY = $690A0 EURO36_MONITOR_ID = $71000 SUPER72_MONITOR_ID = $81000 SUPER72LORESDBL_KEY = $81008 SUPER72HIRESDBL_KEY = $89008 SUPER72SUPERDBL_KEY = $89028 SUPER72LORESHAMDBL_KEY = $81808 SUPER72HIRESHAMDBL_KEY = $89808 SUPER72SUPERHAMDBL_KEY = $89828 SUPER72LORESEHBDBL_KEY = $81088 SUPER72HIRESEHBDBL_KEY = $89088 SUPER72SUPEREHBDBL_KEY = $890A8 DBLNTSC_MONITOR_ID = $91000 DBLNTSCLORES_KEY = $91000 DBLNTSCLORESFF_KEY = $91004 DBLNTSCLORESHAM_KEY = $91800 DBLNTSCLORESHAMFF_KEY = $91804 DBLNTSCLORESEHB_KEY = $91080 DBLNTSCLORESEHBFF_KEY = $91084 DBLNTSCLORESLACE_KEY = $91005 DBLNTSCLORESHAMLACE_KEY = $91805 DBLNTSCLORESEHBLACE_KEY = $91085 DBLNTSCLORESDPF_KEY = $91400 DBLNTSCLORESDPFFF_KEY = $91404 DBLNTSCLORESDPFLACE_KEY = $91405 DBLNTSCLORESDPF2_KEY = $91440 DBLNTSCLORESDPF2FF_KEY = $91444 DBLNTSCLORESDPF2LACE_KEY = $91445 DBLNTSCHIRES_KEY = $99000 DBLNTSCHIRESFF_KEY = $99004 DBLNTSCHIRESHAM_KEY = $99800 DBLNTSCHIRESHAMFF_KEY = $99804 DBLNTSCHIRESLACE_KEY = $99005 DBLNTSCHIRESHAMLACE_KEY = $99805 DBLNTSCHIRESEHB_KEY = $99080 DBLNTSCHIRESEHBFF_KEY = $99084 DBLNTSCHIRESEHBLACE_KEY = $99085 DBLNTSCHIRESDPF_KEY = $99400 DBLNTSCHIRESDPFFF_KEY = $99404 DBLNTSCHIRESDPFLACE_KEY = $99405 DBLNTSCHIRESDPF2_KEY = $99440 DBLNTSCHIRESDPF2FF_KEY = $99444 DBLNTSCHIRESDPF2LACE_KEY = $99445 DBLNTSCEXTRALORES_KEY = $91200 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESHAM_KEY = $91A00 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESEHB_KEY = $91280 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESDPF_KEY = $91600 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESDPF2_KEY = $91640 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESFF_KEY = $91204 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESHAMFF_KEY = $91A04 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESEHBFF_KEY = $91284 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESDPFFF_KEY = $91604 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESDPF2FF_KEY = $91644 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESLACE_KEY = $91205 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESHAMLACE_KEY = $91A05 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESEHBLACE_KEY = $91285 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESDPFLACE_KEY = $91605 DBLNTSCEXTRALORESDPF2LACE_KEY = $91645 DBLPAL_MONITOR_ID = $A1000 DBLPALLORES_KEY = $A1000 DBLPALLORESFF_KEY = $A1004 DBLPALLORESHAM_KEY = $A1800 DBLPALLORESHAMFF_KEY = $A1804 DBLPALLORESEHB_KEY = $A1080 DBLPALLORESEHBFF_KEY = $A1084 DBLPALLORESLACE_KEY = $A1005 DBLPALLORESHAMLACE_KEY = $A1805 DBLPALLORESEHBLACE_KEY = $A1085 DBLPALLORESDPF_KEY = $A1400 DBLPALLORESDPFLACE_KEY = $A1404 DBLPALLORESDPF2_KEY = $A1440 DBLPALLORESDPF2LACE_KEY = $A1444 DBLPALHIRES_KEY = $A9000 DBLPALHIRESFF_KEY = $A9004 DBLPALHIRESHAM_KEY = $A9800 DBLPALHIRESHAMFF_KEY = $A9804 DBLPALHIRESLACE_KEY = $A9005 DBLPALHIRESHAMLACE_KEY = $A9805 DBLPALHIRESEHB_KEY = $A9080 DBLPALHIRESEHBFF_KEY = $A9084 DBLPALHIRESEHBLACE_KEY = $A9085 DBLPALHIRESDPF_KEY = $A9400 DBLPALHIRESDPFLACE_KEY = $A9404 DBLPALHIRESDPF2_KEY = $A9440 DBLPALHIRESDPF2LACE_KEY = $A9444 DBLPALEXTRALORES_KEY = $A1200 DBLPALEXTRALORESHAM_KEY = $A1A00 DBLPALEXTRALORESEHB_KEY = $A1280 DBLPALEXTRALORESDPF_KEY = $A1600 DBLPALEXTRALORESDPF2_KEY = $A1640 DBLPALEXTRALORESFF_KEY = $A1204 DBLPALEXTRALORESHAMFF_KEY = $A1A04 DBLPALEXTRALORESEHBFF_KEY = $A1284 DBLPALEXTRALORESDPFFF_KEY = $A1604 DBLPALEXTRALORESDPF2FF_KEY = $A1644 DBLPALEXTRALORESLACE_KEY = $A1205 DBLPALEXTRALORESHAMLACE_KEY = $A1A05 DBLPALEXTRALORESEHBLACE_KEY = $A1285 DBLPALEXTRALORESDPFLACE_KEY = $A1605 DBLPALEXTRALORESDPF2LACE_KEY = $A1645 @ENDNODE @NODE "screenpen_str" @{FG Shine}Detail of pen Array.@{FG Text } $0000 0 2 DETAILPEN $0002 2 2 BLOCKPEN $0004 4 2 TEXTPEN $0006 6 2 SHINEPEN $0008 8 2 SHADOWPEN $000A 10 2 FILLPEN $000C 12 2 FILLTEXTPEN $000E 14 2 BACKGROUNDPEN $0010 16 2 HIGHLIGHTTEXTPEN $0012 18 2 BARDETAILPEN $0014 20 2 BARBLOCKPEN $0016 22 2 BARTRIMPEN @ENDNODE @NODE "nscreen_str" @{FG Shine}Detail of the NEWSCREEN structure.@{FG Text } $0020 32 Taille de la structure $0000 0 2 LeftEdge $0002 2 2 TopEdge $0004 4 2 Width $0006 6 2 Height $0008 8 2 Depth $000a 10 1 DetailPen $000b 11 1 BlockPen $000c 12 2 ViewModes $000e 14 2 Type $0010 16 4 Font $0014 20 4 DefaultTitle $0018 24 4 Gadgets $001c 28 4 CustomBitMap @ENDNODE @NODE "screen_str" @{FG Shine}Detail of the SCREEN structure.@{FG Text } $015a 346 Taille de la structure $0000 0 4 NextScreen $0004 4 4 FirstWindow $0008 8 2 LeftEdge $000a 10 2 TopEdge $000c 12 2 Width $000e 14 2 Height $0010 16 2 MouseY $0012 18 2 MouseX $0014 20 2 Flags $0016 22 4 Title $001a 26 4 DefaultTitle $001e 30 1 BarHeight $001f 31 1 BarVBorder $0020 32 1 BarHBorder $0021 33 1 MenuVBorder $0022 34 1 MenuHBorder $0023 35 1 WBorTop $0024 36 1 WBorLeft $0025 37 1 WBorRight $0026 38 1 WBorBottom $0028 40 4 Font $002c 44 40 ViewPort $0054 84 100 RastPort $00b8 184 40 BitMap $00e0 224 102 LayerInfo $0146 326 4 FirstGadget $014a 330 1 DetailPen $014b 331 1 BlockPen $014c 332 2 SaveColor0 $014e 334 4 BarLayer $0152 338 4 ExtData $0156 342 4 UserData @ENDNODE @NODE "drawinfo_str" @{FG Shine}Detail of Drawinfo structure.@{FG Text } $0032 50 Taille de la structure $0000 0 2 dri_Version $0002 2 2 dri_NumPens $0004 4 4 dri_Pens $0008 8 4 dri_Font $000c 12 2 dri_Depth $000e 14 4 dri_Resolution $000e 14 2 dri_Resolution.X $0010 16 2 dri_Resolution.Y $0012 18 4 dri_Flags $0016 22 4 dri_CheckMark $001a 26 4 dri_AmigaKey $001e 30 4 dri_Reserved[0] @ENDNODE @NODE _nwnd_struct "Structure NewWindow" Detail of the NewWindow structure. $0030 48 Taille de la structure $0000 0 2 LeftEdge $0002 2 2 TopEdge $0004 4 2 Width $0006 6 2 Height $0008 8 1 DetailPen $0009 9 1 BlockPen $000a 10 4 IDCMPFlags $000e 14 4 Flags $0012 18 4 FirstGadget $0016 22 4 CheckMark (Image) $001a 26 4 Title $001e 30 4 Screen $0022 34 4 BitMap $0026 38 2 MinWidth $0028 40 2 MinHeight $002a 42 2 MaxWidth $002c 44 2 MaxHeight $002e 46 2 Type @ENDNODE @NODE _wnd_struct "Structure Window" @{FG Shine}Detail of Window Structure.@{FG Text } $0088 136 Taille de la structure $0000 0 4 NextWindow $0004 4 2 LeftEdge $0006 6 2 TopEdge $0008 8 2 Width $000a 10 2 Height $000c 12 2 MouseY $000e 14 2 MouseX $0010 16 2 MinWidth $0012 18 2 MinHeight $0014 20 2 MaxWidth $0016 22 2 MaxHeight $0018 24 4 Flags $001c 28 4 MenuStrip $0020 32 4 Title $0024 36 4 FirstRequest $0028 40 4 DMRequest $002c 44 2 ReqCount $002e 46 4 WScreen $0032 50 4 RPort $0036 54 1 BorderLeft $0037 55 1 BorderTop $0038 56 1 BorderRight $0039 57 1 BorderBottom $003a 58 4 BorderRPort $003e 62 4 FirstGadget $0042 66 4 Parent $0046 70 4 Descendant $004a 74 4 Pointer $004e 78 1 PtrHeight $004f 79 1 PtrWidth $0050 80 1 XOffset $0051 81 1 YOffset $0052 82 4 IDCMPFlags $0056 86 4 UserPort $005a 90 4 WindowPort $005e 94 4 MessageKey $0062 98 1 DetailPen $0063 99 1 BlockPen $0064 100 4 CheckMark (Image) $0068 104 4 ScreenTitle $006c 108 2 GZZMouseX $006e 110 2 GZZMouseY $0070 112 2 GZZWidth $0072 114 2 GZZHeight $0074 116 4 ExtData $0078 120 4 UserData $007c 124 4 WLayer $0080 128 4 IFont $0084 132 4 MoreFlags @ENDNODE