TABLE OF CONTENTS Sticks.lib/Multi Joy Sticks.lib/Multi Fire Sticks.lib/Stick Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Up Sticks.lib/Stick Down Sticks.lib/Stick Left Sticks.lib/Stick Right Sticks.lib/Stick Fire Sticks.lib/Stick Scan Sticks.lib/Stick X Sticks.lib/Stick Y Sticks.lib/Mouse X Sticks.lib/Mouse Y Sticks.lib/Mouse Button Sticks.lib/Mouse Clip Sticks.lib/Mouse Area Sticks.lib/Multi Joy Sticks.lib/Multi Joy NAME state =Multi Joy (jport) FUNCTION Reads the joystick and returns in state. Unlike the original =Joy() command returns information on the state of four button (using adaptor two buttons with out). example: Do J=Multi Joy(1) Print Bin$(J) Loop you will see that the high bits are for the buttons and the low bits are for the direction. INPUTS jport - which joystick to read. 0 - Reads mouse port 1 - Reads Joystick port RESULT State of joystick 76543210 Stick Info : ABCDUDLR Bit Number meaning 1 Joystick moved up 2 Joystick moved down 4 Joystick moved left 8 Joystick moved right 16 Button D Pressed 32 Button C Pressed 64 Button B Pressed (button on one button joystick) 128 Button A Pressed BUGS none known SEE ALSO Jleft , Jright , Jup , Jdown (AMOS Manual) Sticks.lib/Multi Fire Sticks.lib/Multi Fire NAME BOOL = Multi Fire (jport,button) FUNCTION Tests 'jport' to see if 'Button' has been pressed . INPUTS Button - This is the button you want to test 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D (Start). jport - which joystick port to read. this should be either 0 or 1 RESULTS result is TRUE (-1) if Button is pressed or FALSE (0) if Button isn't. BUGS SEE ALSO Fire (Amos Manual) Sticks.lib/Stick Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Joy NAME state = Stick Joy(jport) FUNCTION Reads the joysticks that are plugged in the serial port and returns in state. example: Do J=Stick Joy(1) Print Bin$(J) Loop INPUTS jport - serial joystick port to test. this is either 0 or 1 RESULTS 1 Joystick moved up 2 Joystick moved down 4 Joystick moved left 8 Joystick moved right 16 Joystick fire1 BUGS none known SEE ALSO Stick Left , Stick Right , Stick Up , Stick Down , Stick Fire , Multi Joy and Joy (AMOS MANUAL) Sticks.lib/Stick Up Sticks.lib/Stick Up NAME BOOL = Stick Up(jport) FUNCTION Test to see if joystick has been moved up INPUTS jport - serial joystick port to read RESULTS TRUE if joystick is pushed up. BUGS none known SEE ALSO Stick Joy,Multi Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Down Sticks.lib/Stick Down NAME BOOL = Stick Down(jport) FUNCTION Test to see if joystick has been moved down. INPUTS jport - Serial Joystick port to read RESULTS TRUE if joystick is pushed down. BUGS none known SEE ALSO Multi Joy,Stick Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Left Sticks.lib/Stick Left NAME BOOL = Stick Left(jport) FUNCTION Test to see if joystick has been moved left. INPUTS jport - Serial Joystick port to read RESULTS TRUE if joystick is pushed left. BUGS none known SEE ALSO Multi Joy,Stick Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Right Sticks.lib/Stick Right NAME BOOL = Stick Right(jport) FUNCTION Test to see if joystick has been moved Right. INPUTS jport - Serial Joystick port to read RESULTS TRUE if joystick is pushed Right. BUGS none known SEE ALSO Multi Joy,Stick Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Fire Sticks.lib/Stick Fire NAME BOOL = Stick Fire(jport) FUNCTION Test to see if joystick has been moved fire. INPUTS jport - Serial Joystick port to read RESULTS TRUE if joystick is pushed fire. BUGS I should'nt really tell you this because you will just go out and try it, but if you enter =Stick Fire(Jport,button) it will return an error (This command has been provided so it can be easily updated to handle more buttons in later version.) SEE ALSO Multi Joy,Stick Joy Sticks.lib/Stick Scan Sticks.lib/Stick Scan NAME Stick Scan() FUNCTION This is an optomized version of the 'Analog Scan' Function in the Shuffle extension . This command scans the analog joysticks to find their current values. this would normally be done 1 vbl before reading the sticks. INPUTS none RESULTS none BUGS none known SEE ALSO Club Newsletter Vol2 Issue2 Sticks.lib/Stick X Sticks.lib/Stick X NAME value = Stick X(jport) FUNCTION returns the X co-ordinate of the analog stick. INPUTS jport - Joystick Port to read. RESULTS X co-ordinate (0-255) BUGS none known SEE ALSO Club Newsletter Vol2 Issue2 , Stick Y Sticks.lib/Stick Y Sticks.lib/Stick Y NAME Stick Y() value = Stick Y(jport) FUNCTION returns the co-ordinate of the analog stick. INPUTS jport - Joystick Port to read. RESULTS Y co-ordinate (0-255) BUGS none known SEE ALSO Club Newsletter Vol2 Issue2 , Stick X Sticks.lib/Mouse X Sticks.lib/Mouse X NAME (1) = Mouse X(Mouse Number) (2) Mouse X Mouse Number,X co-ords FUNCTION (1) Reports the current X co-ordinate for the mouse, or sets the X co-ordinate for the mouse. (2) Set the X position for the Mouse. The mouse position is limited to the size set using the Mouse Clip and defaults to the default screen size. Note. (1,2) This function does not alter or read the AMOS pointer position to do so you should use the X Mouse function. INPUTS (1) Mouse Number - mouse you want to test (0 - 1) (2) Mouse Number - mouse to affect. X co-ord - mouse X position RESULTS (1) The X co-ordinate of the mouse. (2) NO result. BUGS In the last manual there was an error with both Mouse X and Mouse Y. instead of 'Mouse X = value' (as stated) use 'Mouse X Mouse Number,value' (Sorry) SEE ALSO X mouse , Y mouse , Mouse Y , Smouse X , Smouse Y Sticks.lib/Mouse Y Sticks.lib/Mouse Y NAME (1) = Mouse Y(mouse number) (2) Mouse Y mouse number,Y co-ords FUNCTION (1) Reports the current Y co-ordinate for the mouse, or sets the Y co-ordinate for the mouse. The mouse position is limited to the size set using the Mouse House and defaults to the default screen size. (2) Sets the Y co-ord for the Mouse. Note. (1,2) This function does not alter or read the AMOS pointer position to do so you should use the Y Mouse function. INPUTS (1) Mouse number - mouse you want to test (0 - 1) (2) Mouse Number - mouse to affect. Y co-ords - New position for mouse Y(). RESULTS (1) The Y co-ordinate of the mouse. (2) No result. BUGS none known. SEE ALSO X mouse , Y mouse , Mouse X , Smouse X , Smouse Y Sticks.lib/Mouse Button Sticks.lib/Mouse Button NAME = Mouse Button(jport) FUNCTION This function is used to see if any of the mouse buttons are pressed. INPUTS jport - Which joystick port to read from RESULTS 0 No Buttons Pressed 1 Left Button Pressed 2 Right Button Pressed 3 Middle Button Pressed BUGS none known SEE ALSO Sticks.lib/Mouse Clip Sticks.lib/Mouse Clip NAME (1) Mouse Clip Mouse Number,minx,miny To maxx,maxy (2) Mouse Clip Mouse Number FUNCTION (1) This will Limit the mouse to an area on the screen or even beyond the screen if you want each of the mice can be limited to a different area and these can overlap as needed. When you call the Default function all Limits are set back to the Default screen size. (2) Sets the Mouse Limit to the current screen size. INPUTS (1) Mouse Number - The mouse you want to limit minx - The left of the box miny - The top of the box maxx - The right of the box maxy - The bottom of the box (2) Mouse Number - The mouse you want to clip this will limit the mouse to the current screen size. RESULTS (1,2) The mouse cannot move out of the box. BUGS SEE ALSO Smouse Clip Sticks.lib/Mouse Area Sticks.lib/Mouse Area NAME =Mouse Area (Mouse Number) FUNCTION This Command will return the Zone the mouse is over. This function is the same as Mouse Zone in AMOS except Mouse Zone can only read one mouse. INPUTS Mouse Number - Mouse to check for zones. RESULTS The zone the mouse is over. BUGS No bugs in the command just the old manual. Sorry all ,read above for how Mouse Area really works. SEE ALSO