Object Limit X : Sets the maximum amount of objects. You MUST set the limit before you can reserve and define the objects. When X is set to zero, the OBJECT structure is erased from memory. In the previous versions of TURBO and TEST EXTENSION you could define max. 32 objects. Now there are no more limits ! You can define upto 32.000 objects. Old object files are compatible with the new ones ! Reserve Object Chip OBJECT,COUNT : reserves COUNT*6 bytes CHIP memory for object OBJECT. Ex.: you want to define object number 5 with 10 vectors ( 10 Draw or Move definitions) Reserve Object Chip 5,10 Allways remember to set the 'limit' first... Reserve Object Fast OBJECT,COUNT : reserves COUNT*6 bytes FAST memory for object OBJECT. Define Draw OBJECT,ELEMENT To X,Y : Defines vector ELEMENT in object OBJECT as a Draw instruction with X and Y as the coordinates. In opposite to older versions, negative coordinates are now allowed ! Define Move OBJECT,ELEMENT To X,Y : Defines vector ELEMENT in object OBJECT as a Move instruction with X and Y as the coordinates. In opposite to older versions, negative coordinates are now allowed ! Define Stop OBJECT,ELEMENT : Defines vector ELEMENT in object OBJECT as a Stop instruction. Now you can Reserve memory for as many VECTORS as you wish, and you don't have to Define all VECTORS at the beginning of your program! Just put a Stop instruction as the LAST VECTOR... You can add some more VECTORS, just by replacing the Stop instruction by a Define Move, a Define Draw or a Define Attr ! !!! Make sure that the last ELEMENT of an OBJECT definition is !!! !!! a Stop instruction. And nothing unpredictable will happen. !!! Define Attr OBJECT,ELEMENT To COLOUR,DRAWMODE : Defines vector ELEMENT in object OBJECT as an Attribute instruction. Now you can change the Colour and the Drawing-mode in an Object definition. Object Draw OBJECT : Draws object OBJECT as defined in the vector table. R Object Draw OBJECT,X,Y : Draws object OBJECT as defined in the vector table but relative to the X and Y coordinates. Object Mag Draw OBJECT,MUL : Draws object OBJECT as defined in the vector table but the OBJECT coordinates are first multiplied with factor MUL. If you give a negative MUL factor the OBJECT coordinates are divided by factor MUL. R Object Mag Draw OBJECT,X,Y,MUL : Draws object OBJECT as defined in the vector table but relative to the X and Y coordinates and the OBJECT coordinates are multiplied with factor MUL. If you give a negative MUL factor the OBJECT coordinates are divided by factor MUL. Object Erase OBJECT : Erases object definition OBJECT and frees the allocated memory. If OBJECT is negative, ALL object definitions are erased ! The Object definitions are also automatically erased from memory if you do a Default or if you leave AMOS ! Object Save "NAME",START To END : This instruction will save all DEFINED objects from object START to STOP into object-file "NAME". If "NAME" > 80 chars nothing will happen... If an object is not defined, it will skip to the next object until END is reached. It also writes the header "OBJE" at the beginning of the file. Object Load Chip "NAME",START This instruction loads the file "NAME" and checks if it is an object file. (It checks for the header "OBJE" at the beginning of the file.) If it is an object file, it will define and load all object definitions into object nr. START onwards. How many objects are to be defined is taken out of the object file. Ex.: Define Object chip(1,20) Define Object Chip(2,10) Define Object Chip(3,50) Define object Chip(4,5) Define Move ..... Define Draw ..... " " " " Object Save "DF1:OBJECT1_TO_4",1 To 4 Object Load "DF1:OBJECT1_TO_4",5 This will define and load object 5 to 8. Object Load "DF1:OBJECT1_TO_4",2 will not work. First you must discard objects 2 to 5 !!!!! Maybe I'll change this in the future...